Friday, March 30, 2012

Disappearing items

Bobby pins, hairbands, lip glosses...
There is a monster in my house. Actually I don’t think it’s just my house I think every house has one of these types of monsters. He’s like the Cookie Monster except he’s more partial to eating bobby pins, hair bands and pens instead of cookies. Do you have one of these monsters in your house? I’m pretty certain you do.

You buy a packet of bobby pins and slowly but surely they start DISAPPEARING. Sure, I can’t blame it all on the monster as some end up spread throughout my handbags, in makeup bags, scattered in the bathroom, nestled in the carpet, on the dash of my car, pretty much anywhere a bobby pin could fit (which doesn’t leave many places!). You’d think that with such an abundant supply of bobby pins you’d actually find one easily when you really needed one. But alas, no. When you actually DO need a bobby pin that elusive monster has struck and has all but eaten them up.

The same rule I find applies with hair bands, pens, and even lip gloss. You know you’ve bought packets of them only to watch their populations decline like an endangered species. Why does this monster only like to eat bobby pins, hair bands and pens? Beats me but my guess is that because we have such a (supposed) abundant supply it wouldn’t matter if one or two go missing. And then eventually he gets greedy, scoffs down too many and gives himself away. Or it could simply be that because these items are  small they tend to be easily lost…but then that would make a boring post wouldn’t it!

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