Sunday, April 1, 2012

Asian Dumpling Dinner

So one day at work we received a fax. Unless we're expecting one, we tend to look twice at most faxes. They're either people trying to flog printer cartridges or print companies loudly exclaiming the latest deal on business cards or brochures. But every now and then you get a fax that is actually worth your while. We got two this week, one being an invite to a Seniors Dinner Dance (which although I love dinner and dancing it's not quite up my alley...) and one was from Amanda's on the Edge offering up a scrumptious 5 course Asian Dumpling Dinner on Thursday night.

Of course, as is always the way, I had only just been there for dinner the week before. However, as the ad states "everybody loves a dumpling" I simply couldn't resist. So I rang my dear cousin to see if she would accompany me and I booked us in for a dumpling doozy. I had intended to take lots of beautiful pictures of our five courses of dumplings but of course left my phone at home! Doh! So I've scoured Google images to try and find photos of what was very similar to our meal.

First was the short dumpling soup like what you get from a Chinese restaurant. The dumplings were so tender and the soup full of flavour.

Short Dumpling Soup

Next course were deep fried prawn dumplings which looked like moneybag dumplings you normally order for an entree at a Thai restaurant. The crunchy outside was the best part and dipped in the soy sauce concoction tantalised our tastebuds.

Deep fried prawn dumplings

Steamed siu mai came out next which were pork dumplings made out of a thick rice paper roll substance. The texture was so soft and gooey and very delicious.

Steamed Siu Mai (pork dumplings)

Duck gyoza dumplings followed which were my least favourite course. They were nice but not as enjoyable as the last three courses, maybe I'm just not a duck fan!

Duck gyoza dumplings

And lastly to finish off our delectable dumpling dinner were steamed prawn and scallop dumplings, another yummy and tender dumpling that melted in our mouths.

Prawn and Scallop dumplings

It was so nice to sit down in a restaurant and not have to agonize over what to choose! Everything was already pre-arranged and our meals came out on time and with enough time in between to fully digest. There was great variety in the dishes and they were all cooked to perfection. It was certainly a unique experience that more restaurants in the Hunter Valley should be doing. And for only $35 a head it was such a bargain! Our only complaint was that they should have added a sixth course for dessert - caramel dumplings! But we settled on the peach crumble with cream and berries instead :)

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