Friday, March 30, 2012

Disappearing items

Bobby pins, hairbands, lip glosses...
There is a monster in my house. Actually I don’t think it’s just my house I think every house has one of these types of monsters. He’s like the Cookie Monster except he’s more partial to eating bobby pins, hair bands and pens instead of cookies. Do you have one of these monsters in your house? I’m pretty certain you do.

You buy a packet of bobby pins and slowly but surely they start DISAPPEARING. Sure, I can’t blame it all on the monster as some end up spread throughout my handbags, in makeup bags, scattered in the bathroom, nestled in the carpet, on the dash of my car, pretty much anywhere a bobby pin could fit (which doesn’t leave many places!). You’d think that with such an abundant supply of bobby pins you’d actually find one easily when you really needed one. But alas, no. When you actually DO need a bobby pin that elusive monster has struck and has all but eaten them up.

The same rule I find applies with hair bands, pens, and even lip gloss. You know you’ve bought packets of them only to watch their populations decline like an endangered species. Why does this monster only like to eat bobby pins, hair bands and pens? Beats me but my guess is that because we have such a (supposed) abundant supply it wouldn’t matter if one or two go missing. And then eventually he gets greedy, scoffs down too many and gives himself away. Or it could simply be that because these items are  small they tend to be easily lost…but then that would make a boring post wouldn’t it!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Stop the procrastination

A messy desk - one thing I used to procrastinate over!
Procrastinating. I've found that only procrastinators know what this word means. Maybe because procrastinators sigh with relief when they find out that their problem actually exists and has a name, which must mean they're not the only one suffering from this horrible curse.

I don't know about you but I used to be one of the biggest procrastinators around. For those who don't know what procrastinating is it's (according to our favourite encyclopaedia Wikipedia): "the act of replacing high-priority actions with tasks of lower priority, or doing something from which one derives enjoyment, and thus putting off important tasks to a later time." In my uni days I'd ALWAYS leave assignments to the last minute pulling an all nighter the night before typing away like a bleary eyed lunatic and drinking red bull (which actually states on the can that it's made for students!). I'd wake up the next morning a living zombie and ask myself WHY oh WHY did I not do it earlier!

It really was a mind/body struggle. I'd laugh, I'd cry, I'd clean the bathroom, do the dishes, weed the garden, go shopping, anything to stop me from sitting down and writing the god damn thing. It's a horrible feeling too, that sickening feeling of dread, that feeling that you can't delay the inevitable forever but your going to try mighty damn hard to anyway.

Just do it!!! You'd tell yourself. Yeah in a minute when I've had a shower, in a minute once I've grabbed a snack, in a minute once I've made my bed, in a minute once I've clipped my toenails. I'm surprised I'm still mentally sane after going through this process with just about every assignment at university.  My how jealous was I when my uni friends would say to me, "oh that assignment, I did that weeks ago!" after I'd been babbling for 10 minutes about how bad I was struggling. I wished badly that I could change and I tried to change my ways but I found that the habit was too deeply ingrained.

I don't remember a thing of my last ever week of uni. All I know is that I had five assignments due and 12,000 words to write. I switched on robot mode, bunkered down in my room and thought if I can do this I'm superwoman. I got it done. Then collapsed in a heap, the most exhausted I've ever felt in my life and I never wanted to type a single word again.

So uni was finished and I thought my procrastinating habit was gone for good. But sadly no, next came full time work where I became bombarded with so much to do everyday that I found I was slipping back into my old habit again. Some tasks I would put off and put off (of course the most important tasks are the ones that require the most effort!) and I found myself not being as productive as I should be. I also found that (funnily enough) the more I procrastinated the less successful I was at my job. I was stressing out and falling more and more behind until I just looked at my computer screen and hung my head in my hands. I couldn't take it anymore, I needed a solution. And that solution was mindfulness.

I had no idea what mindfulness was to begin with. I'd seen it mentioned in a few women's health mags but had never really bothered to "get" what it meant. That is until I had to write the Trade Information Sheet for our new book coming up in July called Mindfulness For Life. The TIS goes to sales reps and is what all online book stores and databases go off for their book descriptions - so I had to know what I was talking about. From the first page I was hooked, what was this magical thing called mindfulness? Everything I learned intrigued me further until I knew I had found the solution that would work for me.

Mindfulness is all about being present in the here and now. So many of us spend our lives rushing around worrying about the past and stressing over the future. We don't stop to really focus on the present and be fully aware of ourselves. Being mindful means you focus on one thing at time, finish it and move on to the next. You don't worry and stress over how much work you have to get done, you just put your attention towards what must be done now. You finish each job as they come up and don't half start five jobs at once.

By changing my behaviour I found myself getting more things done and stressing less, it was a godsend. If it's a big job, cut it up into smaller parts/sections and focus on completing one bit at a time. With a bit of practice procrastination can soon be a thing of the past, something mindfulness says we shouldn't worry about!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The explosion of online exclusive shopping

Every morning when I arrive at work I take a seat at my desk and open my inbox - then BAM! Brandsexclusive, Buy Invite, Oz Sale, Thread People, Bamarang, Group On, Living Social are all screaming at me with 70% off your favourite brands! Exclusive sales! Designer brands for cheap! Daily deals! etc, etc. I admit I'm a sucker for a bargain and yes I have bought the 600 thread count sheets, the rock climbing tickets, the snail farm tours, the blue mountains escapes, the Guess jewellery, the Ladakh dresses. And yes I have definitely saved money and bagged a bargain. BUT I do not need to receive notifications from these deal websites not once but three times a day! I'm now so overwhelmed with bargains that just one look at my inbox makes me anxious (!) and with one quick speed read of the subject to see if any brands spectacularly stand out it's then a quick flick into the trash. These shopping clubs seem to have exploded in popularity over the past couple of years - no thanks to shows like A Current Affair and Today Tonight. And poor old eBay, I feel like I haven't been on my favourite old friend in months! So you're probably thinking why don't I just block/delete/unsubscribe/quit the club on these things? Because maybe, just maybe, there could be a deal so spectacular that I would kick myself if I missed out on it. I love shopping but my bone to pick with these things is that there's just too many and they're too frequent. We're drowning in a sea of bargains and honestly who has the time these days to click through every single sale? It's time to go for a good old fashioned shop me thinks!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Barbie to the rescue

I went on the hunt today for some Hen's party prizes. I hit the (chocolate) jackpot when I found these Barbie coins in Big W. Complete with collectable Barbie stickers of the doll herself and her array of fab accessories, these were destined to be a Hen's party prize! And with a little nip and tuck they are now armed and fabulous for the lucky winners of Bridal Scattergories, Toilet Paper Wedding Dress Challenge, Bride & Groom Quiz and Guess the Handbag. There's just something about chocolate coins that taste so good, maybe it's because it takes you 5 minutes to peel the foil off that when you finally reach the chocolate it's even more worthwhile!

The finished product!
Barbie Coins
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